Thursday, April 10, 2008

Can you Pass the Leverage Test?

We talk about leverage every day in network marketing. It’s the basis of why we can earn the kind of money we do. Earning income on the efforts of lots of other people is certainly being leveraged.

But, can you actually pass the leverage test in all that you do in your business?

Throughout a normal day of being a network marketer, there are many things that you are probably doing, including sending emails, responding to emails, spending time for personal development, prospecting, running ads, conducting meetings, doing 3-way calls, training, and so on.

Everyone has 24 hours in a given day. Bill Gates, Oprah, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, me, you…everyone has 24 hours each day. Human beings need to sleep. So…no one can work all 24 hours.

Are you maximizing your productivity in the hours that you are able to put into your business? For most people, the real answer is “no”, even though they may have kid themselves into believing something different.

After you read this, run into the bathroom. Look at yourself. And ask this question, “Am I really doing all that I can possibly be doing in the most efficient manner to propel my business forward to its absolute capacity?

Be honest when you ask yourself that question. If the truth hurts, change it.

Here are a few tips to ensure you are maximizing your leverage in your business:

1. Prioritizing your Prospecting Calls. Make sure your dials are efficient. If you know you’re on the line with someone who is a loser, get off the phone. Use your ears and quickly determine whether or not you are on the phone with the right candidate. If you’re a talker, put a timer on your desk and set it at 5-minutes. When it buzzes and you’re still on the phone with the same person, ask yourself whether or not this person is really worth the time you are putting in.

2. Watch the Chit-Chat. It’s real easy to get caught up during productive work hours having conversations that are meaningless to your business. Talk to your friends and family later, unless they are in your business. Be productive during your productive time.

3. Prioritize your Call backs. If you’re a busy person like me, there is a good chance that your phone is ringing all day long. Oftentimes, I am on the phone and it goes directly to voice-mail. I only call back people in a timely manner when it is critically important to do so. And…if I don’t know you and you are not clear on your message, your call back goes to the bottom of my list. Here’s what you can do with your voice mail to ensure that people tell you why they are calling and can give you a legitimate reason for calling you back. “Hi…you’ve just reached the office of Todd Falcone. I’m on the other line currently. At the tone, please leave your name and your phone number twice, and be sure to tell me the purpose of your call, as I prioritize my call backs due to my busy schedule.” You get the point. If you don’t put that on your voice-mail, you’ll have people calling you and you have no clue who they are and what they want. This is a time-saver.

4. Conduct Group Trainings. Instead of wasting your incredibly valuable time conducting one-on-one trainings, schedule a weekly training call and a weekly Q & A call that allows you to impact many people rather than only one.

5. Tools are Leverage. Tools serve a multitude of different purposes. Whether it be a sales aid like an audio CD or DVD, a weekly meeting, or weekly conference call, they serve several purposes. Primarily, they ensure that the message being delivered is consistent. Secondly, it puts you in the position of not having to do the telling and selling. That’s what tools are designed to do. Use them.

6. When it’s Prospecting Time, it’s Prospecting Time! Get this. There are only so many hours during the day when you can actually reach people. Try dialing someone at 5:30am or 11:00pm on an initial call and see what kind of response you get. Probably, not so good. So…when you know that you are in prime-time, only be conducting primary activities that lead to revenue. The middle of the day and early evening is not the time to be listening to motivational CD’s, and it’s not the time to be writing ad copy. Spend your hours wisely. Being an entrepreneur means that you might be burning the candle at both ends. I spend my evenings and mornings writing, reading and listening to stuff that furthers my education.

7. All Emails are not Created Equal. Get a spam filter. It will make your life a lot easier. First of all, you won’t see all the crap in your email box that you don’t want. Secondly, from a visual standpoint, it makes it a whole lot easier to sift through your email. If it is not pertinent that you respond right this second, then respond to it later. Again…make sure you are focused on revenue producing activities.

8. Hire some Help. Let’s face it. We are ALL busy. You’ve got laundry to do, shopping, running errands, paying bills, kids, etc. It is incredibly easy to hire cheap labor. Find someone who can do your grocery shopping for you, clean your house, mow your lawn, go to the post office, or whatever else it is that keeps you out of production. You’d be amazed at what you can get for under $10/hr. You have to put a massive value on your time. I’m quite sure you are worth a whole lot more than $10/hr.

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